At Lynx Global, our motto is “agility at work”. At our all business units, at our each cooperation and at our each operation in all industrial fields we do not compromise on our this core-motivation.
As Lynx Global people, we always follow personal agility philosophy, agile leadership methods and agile organization structures at our all operations. The considerable advantages of the “agility at work” principles against the other understandings of work and cooperation realization have been the reasons for us to choose this path. We are thankful to our all hardworking and devoted team members that have perceived the components of agility well and have been learning to avoid prejudices in detail which prevent the increasing of agility and have been precisely applicating the right strategies to overcome them all successfully.
Agile people form agile organizations. Agile organizations are the structures that have the capability of identifying opportunities by acting quickly, revealing them and transforming them into performance. These organizations, by thinking innovative, realize new products and services in efficient and productive ways. Agility is becoming a necessity day by day for the success of realizing business. Agile organizations grow much faster and operate much more profitably compared to non-agile organizations.
It is gratifying that agility is variable, improvable and developable. Agility is more than 80% learnable. These are good news. As agile employees have higher job and career satisfaction levels, as they work with much higher performance, as they contribute to company profitability and overall success at a higher level, as they produce and apply original and useful ideas much easier and often and as they provide proactive progresses in a more flexible mindset; all these together can be given as solid examples of elements that provide a better understanding of the importance of agility, agile leadership and agile organization.
Personal Agility in Lynx Global, it started with the adoption of a flexible mindset that facilitates producing and applying original and useful ideas.
In this direction, we always proceed with the IDEA model.
Investigate: We seek opportunities to improve existing products, services or business processes
Design: We produce concepts that lead development
Energize: We provide the ability to influence others, inspire and provide voluntary support for new ideas
Action: We show courage and take the risk of making mistakes; we transform ideas into feasible plans, we try the plans and change them if necessary. We consider new ideas as permanent parts of our business processes.
We believe that the only way to make sense of change is to dive into it, act with it and participate in dance. We know that if there is no change, there will be no opportunities for innovation, renovation and development. We are confident that it is inevitable that those who initiate change have better opportunities to manage change. After all, we are all aware that there is nothing permanent except change, right?
While taking a look at Personal Agility components; let us not forget that innovation is the line that separates the leader and the follower.